57-year-old patient with history of peripheral arterial disease status post-bilateral iliac artery stenting approximately 1 year ago. The patient has discontinued all his medications and continues smoking.
He presented with an occluded abdominal aorta and iliac arteries. He had profound lower extremity ischemia. He underwent a right axillo-bifemoral bypass using a 8 mm ringed PTFE graft and 4-compartment fasciotomies of bilateral lower extremities.
The patient was taken back to the operating room on postoperative day 3 for bilateral fasciotomy wound washout, partial primary closure and placement of continuous external tissue expanders (Dermaclose, Synovis, Birmingham, AL).
After 5 days of continuous external expansion the wound was primarily closed with 3-0 Nylon vertical mattress sutures at bedside.
Fig. 1. Left lateral lower extremity fasciotomy wound
The fasciotomy wound should be evaluated and closed as soon as swelling subsides after the index procedure with either primary closure, a skin graft, or delayed primary closure with an external tissue expander.
Make sure to familiarize yourself with the steps of the continuous external tissue expander (Dermaclose).
Fig.2. Continuous External Tissue Expander Device (Dermaclose)
Fig. 3. Lateral left fasciotomy wound re-approximated with 3-0 nylon
interrupted vertical mattress sutures after 5 days of Dermaclose device.
Fig.4. Continuous External Tissue Expander Device (Dermaclose) after 5 days.
Patients was scheduled for a follow up appointment 2 weeks after primary closure to evaluate the wound and remove the sutures/staples.