The patient is 85 years old lady, who collapsed against the side of the stove. Short period of unconsciousness. Previous cardiac infarction, medication for atrial fibrillation and hypertension. Lives alone with daily help.
On arrival alert, no neurological deficits. 2.5% TBSA deep facial burn on the left side, Fig.1.
Deep second and third degree burns on left side of face, 2.5% TBSA.
No differential diagnoses related to burns.
Ophthalmologist consultation needed: slight bulbar chemosis, no corneal affection, vision unchanged. Reason for collapse needed to be worked up.
1) Waited for 3 days to observe the final depth of the burn, Fig. 2. Meanwhile use local antimicrobial cream ( silversulfadiazine).
2) Tissue sparing debridement was then done. Curettage or careful excision and hydrosurgery (Versajet®) of necrotic tissue. Coverage with allograft.
3) Second debridement after 4 more days and coverage with allograft, and plan skin grafting 3 weeks after burn.
4) Final coverage with full thickness skin graft, (defatted with hydrosurgery) from abdomen when wound bed is ready for graft take.
Thorough knowledge of burn pathophysiology and wound healing. Expertise in burn surgery and burn reconstruction.
Day 7, second debridement, eye lids with scalpel, and rest of the wound area with hydrosurgery, Fig. 5.
Full thickness skin graft harvested from abdomen with scalpel and monopolar cautery. All fat was removed with scissors and hydrosurgery. Skin graft was sutured in place with monofilament sutures and Artiss® tissue glue was added under the graft to enhance the graft adherence. Tarsoraphy was performed. Donor site in the abdomen was closed primarily like in abdominoplasty. Tulle ointment gauze and compressing dressing were applied on the graft. The patient was extubated right after the surgery.