About Our Team
Our goal is to provide a single site of peer-reviewed, step-by-step examples of best treatment of most wounds and to give all wound care practitioners access to this site.

Founding Editor
Dr. Elof Eriksson
Dr. Elof Eriksson trained as a plastic surgeon and practiced plastic surgery and wound care for 37 years. For most of this time he was Chief of Plastic Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Joseph E. Murray Professor of Plastic Surgery at Harvard Medical School. He has also been President of the Wound Healing Society as well as of the Wound Healing Foundation. His research has focused and is focusing on Wound Healing and has received funding from The NIH and the Department of Defense over decades.
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim is currently a physician/scientist and assistant professor of transplant nephrology in the University of Maryland, Baltimore. He has completed his clinical transplant nephrology fellowship in Washington University in Saint Louis. Dr. Ibrahim has conducted basic and translational science research in wound healing and fibrosis in Duke University. He has co-authored more than 60 journal articles and was invited to give a TEDx talk in 2018 and holds 5 patents and patent applications for innovations in bio-sensing, and wound healing.

Project Manager
Anna Beauregard
Anna Beauregard is currently the Director of Sales at Echo Ridge. She holds a BA from Davidson College and MBA from Babson College. A client-focused, high tech sales and digital marketing consultant, she’s passionate about leveraging technology to support collaboration, knowledge-sharing and efficiency.